Later Minor Prophets - Big Dream Ministries
Big Dream Ministries exists to help people understand the Bible as God's amazing Word and help them apply Biblical truth to their daily lives. We do this by offering studies that drive people to the Scriptures for answers and equipping leaders with excellent resources to reinforce learning.
The Amazing Collection, Bible study, Know the Word, Biblical Truth, Bible history, Christian Ministry, Christian Living, Bible teaching, How to study the Bible, Jesus Christ

Later Minor Prophets

The scope of the Later Minor Prophets is broad indeed. Chronologically, they span more than four centuries from approximately 848 – 425 BC. Geographically, they touch Israel, Judah, Syria, Moab, Ammon, Edom, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Assyria. Thematically, they explore such topics as love, mercy, compassion, wrath, judgment, holiness, obedience, disobedience, hope, repentance, and many more. Be prepared for more gripping and graphic portrayals of both God and man: Nahum’s stimulating description of God’s power, Habakkuk’s personal struggle with faith, Haggai’s no-holds-barred call to action, and Malachi’s piercing questions penetrating right to the heart of true spiritual living.

The Later Minor Prophets Review Guide
Memory Cards
Teaching Outline

At the end of the Later Minor Prophets, spend some class time on a fun review game covering the prophets, judges and Old Testament characters.
Who am I instructions
Who am I game cards