The Amazing Collection is not only a study of God’s Word, it is a collection of real women and their practical testimonies of how God has reached down into the deepest part of their lives and ministered life instead of devastation. Allow God to use this study to reach into those parts of your life and meet your needs.
Ann Prince Barrows
As our culture continues on a desperate search for truth, this unique teaching tool emerges. The Amazing Collection offers the exciting opportunity for women to find answers to life’s deepest questions by discovering Jesus, the Truth incarnate.
Babbie Mason, Dove Award Winning Singer, Songwriter and Author
The Amazing Collection, with its powerful testimonies, inspiring music and Christ-centered teaching is a wonderful tool to help women of all ages become better equipped to make a difference in their generation.
Darlene Marie Wilkinson, Author of “The Prayer of Jabez for Women“
Our women’s ministry discovered The Amazing Collection and liked the approach that was different from any we had done before. Early on we realized that digging into a new book of the Bible every week gave us a wonderful sense of continuity of the events. Meanwhile, as we listened to the great teaching from four ladies with very different personalities, heard inspiring touching testimonies from
Shadow Mountain Community Church, El Cajon, Californiareal-live
women, and were blessed by the worship in music, we saw women growing not only in knowledge, but in faith and trust in God. Thank you so much for The Amazing Collection!
Teaching The Amazing Collection, I have seen a new confidence in each woman’s faith as she discovers principles that are life-changing! My group enjoys each part of the lesson…the homework, the lecture, the testimony and the music…..they would not want to give up a single part! Novice or Bible scholar… one size fits all!
Prestonwood Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas
When the Women’s Ministry Council of First Presbyterian Church of Orlando, Florida met to discuss possible Bible studies for the fall, it was with delight that we chose to offer The Amazing Collection to our women. Our excitement was fueled by the fact that, at last, we had found a study which would take us book by book through the entire Bible, so that we might see clearly the plans, promises, and provisions of God played out against the backdrop of history. Now fully engaged in the study, we have caught the vision of the themes which wind their way from Genesis to Revelation; and have appreciated the fact that the material is presented in an easily digestible and retainable format.
First Presbyterian Church of Orlando (USA), Orlando, Florida
This is a powerful Bible study, touching and enriching the lives of women of all ages and levels of Biblical knowledge. One of The Amazing Collection studies at our church had women ages twenty-five to ninety. All agree it is the most amazing Bible study they have done.
Alpharetta First United Methodist Church, Alpharetta, Georgia
It is hard to know where to begin to describe this AMAZING Journey through God’s Word. I became aware of the study through dinner with a friend in Bethany Beach, Del. and I reviewed the materials over a summer break. My excitement grew to a PASSION that our ten year prayer for an outstanding Bible Study had been answered.
Mariners Church, Annapolis, MD
Most of our group has done many individual Bible studies. This is the first time that we have begun to see how the Bible all fits together. The study is well designed to give a
Salinas Valley Community Church, Salinas Valley, Californiabroad brush
look at each book and then each section of the study focuses in on the critical parts to understand the big picture. The songs and testimonies also add a lot to our worship. Thanks for putting together such a useful tool.
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