The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ - Preview - Big Dream Ministries
A chronological study through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John on the life of Christ, journeying from His eternal preexistence to His future return. A different attribute of Jesus for each lesson - Good Shepherd, Light of the World, King of Kings, Suffering Servant, and more - helps focus each week's study. This 24 week study leads you through in-depth study and daily personal application questions, bringing familiar stories to life and deepening your understanding of Jesus' life and purpose on earth.
Bible studies, Christian Ministry, Christian Living, Bible teaching, How to study the Bible, Bible history

Watch an intro to The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ

Download the intro video to show at your church or small group -> the-amazing-life-Jesus_Christ.mp4

Free Streaming with each lesson!

Jesus is more than a baby in a manger or a man on a cross. The Gospel writers tell the story of the One who left the glories of heaven to take on flesh, live as a servant, and die as the sacrifice.
And The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ brings all the pieces together.

  • A chronological study through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John on the life of Christ, journeying from His eternal preexistence to His future return.
  • A different attribute of Jesus for each lesson – Good Shepherd, Light of the World, King of Kings, Suffering Servant, and more – helps focus each week’s study.
  • This 24 week study leads you through in-depth study and daily personal application questions, bringing familiar stories to life and deepening your understanding of Jesus’ life and purpose on earth.
  • Free Class Resources are available to download, including class guides, reviews, and other class materials
  • Spanish workbooks available.

Join teachers Pat Harley, Jennifer McClish, Kellye Rickman, and Fay Runnion as they bring the stories of Jesus Christ to life.

Part 1 – His Preexistence, Birth, and Early Ministry
The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ - Part 1


Part 2 – His Rejection, Death, and Resurrection
The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ - Part 2

At Big Dream Ministries, we want to help people understand the Bible as God’s complete and amazing story of redemption through Jesus Christ and equip them to apply Biblical truths to their lives. We do this by offering studies that drive people to the Scriptures for answers, and providing reviews and resources to reinforce the learning.

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