Blog - Big Dream Ministries
Big Dream Ministries exists to help people understand the Bible as God's amazing Word and help them apply Biblical truth to their daily lives. We do this by offering studies that drive people to the Scriptures for answers and equipping leaders with excellent resources to reinforce learning.
The Amazing Collection, Bible study, Know the Word, Biblical Truth, Bible history, Christian Ministry, Christian Living, Bible teaching, How to study the Bible, Jesus Christ


A chronological study through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John on the life of Christ, journeying from His eternal preexistence to His future return. Do you ever wish you knew more about Jesus Christ: Who He really was, what He did and how His life could affect mine even today? The life...

A six week Bible study for men, women and teens small groups. Ever wonder why the world is as it is today with violence and hatred and division rehearsed daily in the news. And then there are the problems in families. Hurt feelings, rebellion, hateful words and separation. But there is...

Since Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden and sin began to reign in their hearts, God has promised a Messiah, someone who He would send to save us…from ourselves. And from then on man has been waiting, longing for the help that was promised so long ago. Prophet...

A prophet is one who speaks for God. Stepping into the Major Prophets is like stepping into a war. There is a nation heading in a direction away from God whose people are bent on moral and spiritual depravity and ultimately destruction. On the other side is the prophet, a courageous, dynamic...

God’s Word is His love letter to His people. It is the source of knowledge God has given us to really know Him as He is and abide in Him fully. The Amazing Collection: The Poetical Books beautifully displays not only the great love of God for His people but...

Jesus wept. As He stood at the tomb of his beloved friend, Lazarus, who had died four days earlier, He wept (John 11:25-42). The Sovereign Lord with the power to heal and raise the dead – wept. He wept because death is not the way it is supposed to be....

Keep up the good work, Moms!!!  In a sample of Barna’s 2019 research on Households of Faith1, moms were at the top of the list of who teenagers trusted to talk to about life problems and spiritual matters. In all areas of spiritual life – going to church, talking about God,...

Written by Pat Harley Based on John 11:1-44 We are in the midst of a pandemic. Around the world as of this morning, there have been over 200,000 deaths from the Coronavirus. It makes no difference if one is rich, powerful, poor, or even destitute. The virus is no respecter of persons...

Life is such a struggle at times! There are real battles going on around us. The world is so unsettled, especially now with the pandemic impacting all facets of human life. The current virus may be new for our generation, but the Bible tells us that early in the creation...

There are heroes on the frontlines of this war against the COVID-19 virus that is threatening every nation – one person at a time. They are health care workers! Doctors, nurses, lab specialists, imaging techs, and therapists of all types are in a hand-to-hand combat to diagnose and treat patients...